- Distributome Game Webapp enables the interactive exploration of natural phenomena and models as a game of matching pairs of processes and distributions.
- Game Blog Posting (January 2013)
- LGPL-licensed, SVN-supported source-code (HTML5/JavaScript) is available at (dynamic) GitHub, and (archived-static) GoogleCode
- Game Webapp
- Problem-Distribution Meta-Data SVN
- Current Meta-Data (CSV)
- XML meta-data on distribution properties and inter-distribution relations is available here
- Current XSD schema is available here
- Distributome XML Meta-Data retrieval
- Complete XML DB HTML5 View (Validator)
- Keyword search of
- Use AND, OR and NOT operators for complex Boolean search, use capital letters, example Normal AND Cauchy NOT nonlinear
- The order of the operations is not commutative, example Poisson AND Normal NOT Lorentz is different from Poisson NOT Lorentz AND Normal
- For each probability distribution included in the Distributome
database there is a unique URL
page. The syntax of these distribution specific pages is "http://www.distributome.org/js/DistributomeDBSearch.xml.php?s=Poisson". These are also generated
by keyword/phrase searchers using the Distributome XML DB
Search engine.
- Preference XML files provide a mechanism for specifying the appearance, behavior and loading of the
Distirbutome Navigator. For example:
- (default) Distributome.xml.pref specifies the ontological hierarchy of the appearance of the Distributome Graph in the default Distirbutome Navigator.
- And a specialized Distributome.xml.Book.pref file specifies the ontological hierarchy of the appearance of the Distributome Graph based on common textbook distribution classifications, Distirbutome (Book) Navigator.
- See also this Distributome Blog posting.
- The prototype V.3 Distributome Navigator and Distributome Database (HTML5) Validator use the new version of the Distributome XML+BiBTeX format for managing citation references to distribution properties and inter-distributional relations. The complete V3 documentation is available here.
- Distributome Wiki page is here and the Distributome Learning Activities
- Debugging: Technical users may utilize the optional Distributome debug-functionality (include ?debug=true in the URL). Examples of debugging requests include the following cases:
- The complete Distributome project Java source code, available online under LGPL license
- The interactive Distributome graphical user Navigator (requires JavaScript-enabled browser)
- The legacy Java applet binary JAR files and the HTML wrappers