- Time, Place, Venue: Tue Jan 14, 2014, 1:00–4:30 PM Eastern Time (UTC/GMT -5 hours), Marriott Inner Harbor (JMM co-headquarters with the Baltimore Hilton across the street), Stadium Ballroom 4, 110 South Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201, USA
- Conference: 2014 JMM.
- Organizers: Ivo Dinov (SOCR/Michigan), Dennis Pearl (MBI/OSU) and Kyle Siegrist (VLPS/UAH)
- Workshop Registration: Registration to attend this workshop is fee, and you do not have to be registered for JMM to attend.
Workshop Program
- Introductions
- What is the Distributome Project?
- Distributome Website: as an open-access and open-development resource
- Distributome Navigator (exploring probability distribution properties and inter-distributional relations)
- Interactive Group Jigsaw Review (PDF and PPTX)
- Distributome Tools
- Calculators (computing probability and critical values for a wide array of distributions)
- Interactive Experiments
- Virtual Simulations
- Distributome Game
- Distributome as an educational resource: Distributome Activities
- Open Discussion/Community Feedback
- Community contributions on expanding the Distributome activities,
Database, curricular utilization and validation are always welcome (email
- Technical foundations: XML meta-data (DB), HTML DB Validator,
XSD schema,
Distributome LGPL-licensed source code,
Problems CSV
- Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics
- Introduction
- Probability Web-Book
- Applet Examples
- Data Sets
- Famous Biographies
- Statistics Online Computational Resource
- Tools/Applets: Distributions, Experiments, Analyses, Modeler & Graphs.
- Multilingual instructional resources: Datasets, EBooks, continuing statistics education workshops/seminars
- Learning activities: interactive, data-driven and technology-enhanced learning activities
- Examples: Central Limit Theorem, Hands-on California Ozone Data Activity, Randomization Webapp, Polynomial Model Fitting, Stochastic estimation of transcendental numbers: Natural number e and π, Latin Letters Frequency Distribution, Bivariate Normal Distribution Webapp
- Dissemination: papers, conferences, workshops, etc.
- Collaborative Initiative to establish Interactive National Network for Interactive Probability Education:
The Distributome project is funded in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF) grants 1023115, 1022560, and 1022636.