- Time, Place, Venue: Monday Sept. 23, 2013, 10:00-11:00 AM (Eastern Time). Virtual GoToWebinar web-meeting.
- Participants:
- Distributome SAB members: Lawrence Moore (Duke), David Aldous
(Berkeley) and Robert
Dobrow (Carleton
- Distributome PIs: Ivo
Dinov (SOCR/UMichigan), Dennis Pearl (MBI/OSU) and Kyle Siegrist (UAH/VLPS)
- Join the Meeting: Instructions will be emailed to all invitees
- 2012-2013 Distributome Project Annual Progress Report
- Introductions
- Distributome Project Progress in response to prior Advisory board recommendations
(SAB 2011).
- Distributome Website: as an
open-access and
open-development resource (Redesigned) Navigator
- Technical foundations: XML meta-data (DB), HTML DB Validator, XSD schema, Distributome LGPL-licensed source code
- Distributome as an educational resource: Distributome Learning Activities
and Game
- SAB Vision and Directives
- Approaches to engage the larger community in expanding,
supporting and improving the Distributome resources (sustainability)
- Best Practices of project evaluation and assessment of the
project's broader impact
- How to integrate Distributome data, tools, activities,
examples, problems, solutions?
- Other
- Open Discussion
- Adjourn
The Distributome project is funded in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF) grants 1023115, 1022560, and 1022636.