- Time, Place, Venue: Wed May 15, 2013, 1 PM Eastern Time and Thu May 16, 2013, 8:30 AM Eastern (UTC/GMT -7 hours), Embassy Suites Raleigh, Durham/Research Triangle, 201 Harrison Oaks Boulevard, Cary, North Carolina, 27513, USA.
- Conference: 2013 USCOTS.
- Organizers: Ivo Dinov (SOCR/UCLA), Dennis Pearl (MBI/OSU) and Kyle Siegrist (VLPS/UAH)
- See
USCOTS website
This day-long workshop, held in conjunction with USCOTS 2013, will introduce participants to novel web-based technologies for blended teaching of computational statistics and applied probability theory. Specifically, 50% of the time will be dedicated to training using the Probability Distributome webapps (www.Distributome.org), 25% for demonstrating the classroom use of the Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics (www.math.uah.edu/stat), and 25% for exploratory data analysis using the Statistics Online Computational Resource (www.SOCR.ucla.edu). Examples of hands-on demonstrations include data modeling, exploring of properties of probability distributions and interdistribution relations, resampling and simulation, dynamic data plots, and model fitting. These topics and techniques are suitable for introductory and cross-listed applied probability and statistical methods courses. The workshop is designed to be accessible to those with little or no computational background, and will provide you with skills, examples, and resources that you can use in your own teaching.
Workshop Program
Wed May 15, 2013, 1 PM
- Introductions
- What is the Distributome Project?
- Distributome Website: as an open-access and open-development resource
- Distributome Navigator (exploring probability distribution properties and inter-distributional relations)
- Interactive Group Jigsaw Review (PDF and PPTX)
- Distributome Tools
- Calculators (computing probability and critical values for a wide array of distributions)
- Interactive Experiments
- Virtual Simulations
- Distributome Game
- Distributome as an educational resource: Distributome Activities
- Open Discussion/Community Feedback
- Community contributions on expanding the Distributome activities, Database, curricular utilization and validation are always welcome (email )
- Technical foundations: XML meta-data (DB), HTML DB Validator, XSD schema, Distributome LGPL-licensed source code, Problems CSV
- Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics
- Introduction
- Probability Web-Book
- Applet Examples
- Data Sets
- Famous Biographies
- Statistics Online Computational Resource
- Tools/Applets: Distributions, Experiments, Analyses, Modeler & Graphs.
- Multilingual instructional resources: EBooks, continuing statistics education workshops/seminars
- Learning activities: interactive, data-driven and technology-enhanced learning activities
- Examples: Central Limit Theorem, Hands-on California Ozone Data Activity, Randomization Webapp, Polynomial Model Fitting, Stochastic estimation of transcendental numbers: Natural number e and π, Latin Letters Frequency Distribution, Bivariate Normal Distribution Webapp
- Dissemination: papers, conferences, workshops, etc.
The Distributome project is funded in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF) grants 1023115, 1022560, and 1022636.